Another day, another #WebKit #bug. Only affects installed web apps on iPads (Mini?) afaik. The viewport doesn't properly restore position when you dismiss the software keyboard (1, red). 1/n bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=254861
Elements with absolute position are displayed in the correct place (like the menu bar, left), but touch events fire relative to the (incorrect position of the) root. Tap the twitter icon, it fires on the bookmark icon (2, yellow). 2/n
😢 I'm getting so sick and tired of these bugs that only affect installed web apps (or when they fix a bug in Safari but forget to fix it for installed web apps). Everything works fine until your user adds it to the homescreen. Then everything breaks. 3/n
Anyway. I filed a bug (linked above). Let's see if this one doesn't disappear in the black hole called rdar. </rant> 4/4