@ocdtrekkie @veosotano @brucel I think it's important that we keep them equally in check 😅 not sure I agree with you that Apple is a smaller monopoly, but I will agree it's different (vertical vs horizontal)
@ocdtrekkie @veosotano @brucel Apple is more focused on monopoly within its ecosystem but that has ramifications outside of it. Google is just more directly getting in the way of everything they do (which is a lot)
@ocdtrekkie @veosotano @brucel Anyway. I see 3rd party browsers (and thus competition) on iOS as a solution for the problem we have right now: browser monoculture on iOS, and a lagging browser at that, keeping all of the web from doing what it could do
@ocdtrekkie @veosotano @brucel That said, I don't want to say your argument is invalid. It's just that I find breaking WebKit's monoculture is more important right now. Apple has a lot of money to fight Chrome from taking over.