Apple's response to the CMA interim report. While they may *seem* to make a reasonable good case (they even spend a paragraph on how they prevent a Chrome monoculture by enforcing a monoculture!), a closer look reveals shenanigans. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62277271d3bf7f158779fe39/Apple_11.3.22.pdf #AppleBrowserBan 🧵👇
I'm not going to look at every point here, just a few highlights that jumped out at me. 2/n
The link Apple provides also runs other benchmarks and, guess what, the A15 wins. The test doesn't prove Safari is faster than Chrome, it proves the A15 is faster than an 888. pcmag.com/news/iphone-13-benchmarks-apples-a15-chip-crushes-qualcomm 4/n
There is no way to benchmark Safari against Chrome (or any other competing browser) on iOS because there *are no competing browser engines* on iOS. But what if you'd benchmark them on macOS? Chrome beats Safari at its own test: blog.chromium.org/search/label/the%20fast%20and%20the%20curious 5/n
Are they saying the iOS security model is so weak that they need to rethink the whole thing if they are required to do something every other OS - including their own macOS - already does? 8/n
I was aware that Safari/WebKit relies on protections built into the OS for (some of) its security measures but is Apple even aware you can build these protections into the engine itself? That other browser already do this? 9/n
Chromium pioneered isolating tabs into separate processes. They built something called site isolation that enabled them to protect users from Meltdown / Spectre with (almost as little as) a flip of a switch. 10/n
Yes, Meltdown and Spectre. A browser can protect you from *hardware level* vulnerabilities, all without relying on the OS. Even better: they can (and do) roll out protections like these without requiring a system update! 11/n
But they point to worldwide browser market share instead of UK. And it turns out, for good reason, because then Safari/WebKit is ahead: gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/mobile/united-kingdom 13/n
Let's not forget to look at the other browsers in this chart. On iOS, Safari/WebKit is the only browser engine, so any other browser you see here is competing with Chrome, not Safari/WebKit. (I will admit that only Samsung Internet seems to be competing here) 14/n
It may be a problem that these "bolted on top of WebKit" features are very expensive. A vendor would have to build this just for iOS, and just for the users that actually use their particular 3rd party browser on iOS. 19/n
Building a custom solution just for those iOS users means a fairly small user base and vendors would have to weigh that against the costs of building, testing and properly securing any such feature. 20/n
Also, smaller user base means fewer users who report bugs and fewer researchers that report security issues. The feature may break / be broken in numerous ways without the vendor knowing it. 21/n
Ha! Got you there. Of course I'm going to point out that Safari/WebKit's viewport and scrolling behaviour are *the worst*. They are so bad, in fact, that Chrome has copied Safari's breaking behaviour with regard to
height: 100vw
- Safari had already broken it anyway. 23/n -
Scirra, a company that builds a browser-based game development editor, mentioned the following WebKit bug in their response to CMA's interim report: "Viewport changes after refresh" Bug filed in 2016. No fix, no response, nothing. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6229ae538fa8f526d520d0b8/Scirra_Ltd.pdf 24/n
"pioneering [...] web apps’ ability to accurately measure the dimensions in which their app can be displayed" my ***. 25/n
That's it for now! 😅 Happy to discuss the above. Also, make sure to take a look at the @OpenWebAdvocacy initial submission and response to the CMA's interim report here: open-web-advocacy.org/ Bye! :) 26/26
Caveat: it's possible that Chrome & Firefox shipped new features or agreed on changing something and Safari/WebKit hasn't caught up yet. Two browsers adding/changing the same features will make the third's number of failing tests go up :)