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      1. I haven't tweeted about the Android 12 update a lot (I think?) because I wanted to give it a little time, let myself get used to it. So far, "The biggest update since Lollipop" feels like a very "Most meh since Lollipop update" to me. 🧵
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
      Material You is supposed to be this big revolution. The entire OS personalized for you. You, in Android 12, is your wallpaper. Earlier versions of Android let you pick a accent color, customize fonts, icon shapes, etc. Android 12 drops (almost) all of that.
  1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
    Then there are all the changes to the Material Design spec which, like MD 2.0, feel like "change for change's" sake. At least MD 2.0 was a bit of an iteration, with improvements based on user data and feedback.
    1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
      I didn't like the new look they came up with for inputs in MD 2.0, but at least they were trying to solve a problem with / improve on the MD 1.0 input design. I haven't come across a single design problem being solved in MD You (or 3.0)
      1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
        Just bigger, "bolder" UI that feels like someone gave me Duplo after mastering Lego.
        1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
          I also don't like how they abandoned the (Hyper) Paper and Ink metaphor. Paper doesn't stretch. Ink doesn't sparkle.
          1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
            Regarding You (wallpaper color extraction): it's a really nice tech demo. But I don't see Big Brands dropping their carefully selected brand colors - except for Google, apparently, which was already going for a Less Color Is The New Color for a while anyway.
            1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
              And again, giving me *less* options to customize my OS and calling it You is just 🤷‍♂️
              1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                They should've called it Material Stretch-and-Sparkle Duplo Wallpaper. My 2 cts.
                1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                  I'm not saying there are *no* improvements in this update, btw. I actually like the new Quick Settings layout where I can more easily reach the buttons.
                  1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                    So... I guess it just feels like a work-in-progress tech demo, I guess? For me, at least. 😅 Maybe I need more time. Also, they forgot the clock on the notification shade. They also forgot to properly align the clock and other status bar icons there.
                    1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                      Oh. Sometimes the Recent Apps button* just stops working until I reboot my phone or Force Quit the Pixel Launcher app (which I don't even use, I use Nova Launcher). * Yes, I'm a 3-button-nav person because gestures suuuuuck 😂
                      1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                        I also feel like there are some memory (leak?) issues and some other (minor) bugs and quirks. Hope those get ironed out - unless you're on a Pixel 3 because no more patches for you.
                        1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
                          (shipping a major OS update to a phone and then not committing to a single security/bug fix after that is ridiculous - major OS updates have bugs, they should get fixed)