rgadellaa’s avatarrgadellaa’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,854

  1. "Photo's top right [account picker] menu [has] gained a settings shortcut, a help & feedback entry, and an option to free up storage [..]" I keep saying this: there is no place in an account picker menu for app settings (or any of these other options) androidpolice.com/2020/03/04/big-google-photos-redesign-hides-search-in-bottom-tab-and-removes-hamburger-menu/
    1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
      "a variant [..] has surfaced that moves the sharing icon from the bottom bar up to the top left, where the hamburger menu used to sit" This follows Google's Home app where they have the '+' icon in the top left corner.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
        I know this because I recently had a really hard time finding that '+' icon so I could add a new device to my Home. On Android, only the app's icon, menu or back are ever placed there.
        1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
          Why not use a Floating Action Button? Or a regular 'action' icon (which is supposed to be in the top *right* corner)? Hell, hiding it in an overflow menu would probably make it easier to find / discoverable than this :(
          1. …in reply to @RGadellaa
            So far, I'm not entirely convinced by this design change..