"[..] BioWare appears to recognize that [Anthem], modeled after games like Bungie’s Destiny and Ubisoft’s The Division, has been a failure [..]" One of the problems of Anthem is that it *is not* modeled after Destiny. theverge.com/2020/2/10/21131662/bioware-anthem-longer-term-redesign-updates-paused-game-relaunch
Even though team members realized the game they were making was a lot like Destiny, BioWare execs didn't want to hear it. kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964
So they made many, if not all, the mistakes that Destiny 1.0 made. And probably other mistakes, too. Btw, I did enjoy the game. Spent ~20 hrs on it when it was on sale for 7,99. But it was not nearly as good as I expect a BioWare game to be.
Oh. And 7,99 for a AAA game that's not even a year old says something about its success. Even if that sale was during Black Friday madness.